Marché de Noël Meet up France Etats-Unis Midi Pyrénées

Meetup at the Marché de Noël


Join us Thursday, December 12 from 7pm to 8:30pm at the Toulouse Christmas Market for an evening filled with hot wine, good company, and delicious French food!

We’ll roam the marché, picking out whatever treats strike our fancy – vin chaud, chocolat chaud, aligot, tartiflette, bretzels, tartines, jambon, fromage, and other delicious items. Try something new or get that thing you’ve been craving since last year! Bring cash to buy whatever food/drink you would like.

Please note: This is NOT a tour, just an informal meetup of fellow food-lovers in Toulouse, hosted by Taste of Toulouse and the Association France Etats-Unis Midi-Pyrénées. We will meet at 7pm in front of Amarino ice cream shop on Place Capitole (16 Place du Capitole, 31000 Toulouse).

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